25 March 2015

Purple Peach Club Event at LEVEL

The first Purple Peach Event took place last night. What a great evening. The LEVEL Centre looked fantastic, full of people dancing, re-acting, inter-acting, socialising and just taking in the atmosphere. 

The Gallery Space at LEVEL during Purple Peach Club event. It worked really well as a relaxing yet engaging environment.

More Images from the Gallery space.

Image below: One of the Inter-ACT+Re-ACT screens in the corridor. This screen was programmed and created by Jack Wright.

Below: Helium Balloons in the corridor.


Images above: The loud space - just dancing, bars, VJ's & DJ's.

1 comment:

  1. Caroline Bagnall23 April 2015 at 01:58

    yes it was a fantastic turn out, really pooling the strengths of the current Level team. Audiences flocking from as far as Doncaster. Diary date for next Purple Peach is Tuesday 16 June.
